Committee Info

Republican Party of Virginia Creed
(as adopted in the 2009 VA State Republican Convention)

We Believe . . .

That faith in Almighty God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers, is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation;

That our rights and freedom are God-given and not derived from our government;

That human life should be protected from conception to natural death;

That the right of individuals to own, use and transfer property must be safeguarded against erosion by government;

That the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice;

That government spending, taxing and borrowing at all levels have been excessive, must be controlled rigorously and can only be undertaken by officials directly elected by the people;

That the family is the basic and most vital institution in our society, and, the right of parents to direct their children must be assured;

That marriage is a union of one man and one woman;

That we have a personal right to own and bear arms;

That our national security depends on a strong defense, secure borders and a sound dollar;

That our national sovereignty should not be weakened; and

That our dual system of sovereignty of the states and the federal government, as established in the U.S. Constitution, must be preserved to prevent an undue concentration of power.
© Copyright 1975, 1997, 2009 by Republican Party of Virginia, Inc.

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Committee Positions & Contact Info:

Doug Rogers

Vice Chairman
Lisa Parham

Ed Gryczynski

Connie Buttimer
General inquiry email: